Program Participant

Name:Maude Hasbi
TitleCompany:Postdoctoral Researcher, Chalmers University of Technology
Bio:Maude Hasbi is a Post-Doctoral Researcher in Economics at Chalmers University of Technology. She has obtained a PhD in Industrial Economics at Telecom ParisTech in 2017. She is particularly interested in subjects related to industrial economics, economics of network industries (regulated industries, especially in the electronic communications sector) and applied econometrics.
Title:You can find Maude in:


I use micro-level panel data on almost 5,000 municipalities in metropolitan France cover- ing 75% of the population over the period 2010-2015 to estimate the impact of very high-speed broadband networks on company creation in France. I use a count modeling approach with time- and municipal-fixed effects to estimate whether the local presence of a very high-speed broadband network has an impact on business location, in terms of establishment creation. I show that municipalities with a very high-speed broadband network tend to be more attrac- tive for companies, with a positive effect on establishment creation within the tertiary sector: in the commerce service and transport sub-sector. In addition, municipalities with a very high-speed broadband network provide a more favorable environment for entrepreneurship.