Program Participant

Name:Friso Bostoen
TitleCompany:Doctoral Student, KU Leuven, Belgium
Bio:Friso Bostoen is a full-time Ph.D. researcher at the Institute for Consumer, Competition & Market of the KU Leuven (Belgium). He researches the regulation of online platforms under both antitrust law and sector-specific regulation. Friso edits the CoRe Blog on antitrust law, and his work has resulted in various international publications and presentations. Friso completed his initial legal studies at the KU Leuven (including an exchange at the University of Sydney) and went on to obtain an LL.M. degree from Harvard University. He has also completed various internships in the field of competition law, both in the public sector (Belgian Competition Authority) and in private practice (Van Bael & Bellis, Clifford Chance).
Title:You can find Friso in:
Tuesday, 21 January 202008:30–09:45New Directions in Regulating Network Capacity and Online PlatformsSouth Pacific 4PTC20PROGYS_1_21
