Program Participant

Name:Oliver Zierke
TitleCompany:Doctoral Student, University of Passau, Germany
Bio:Oliver Zierke is a PhD student at the University of Passau at the Chair of Internet and Telecommunications Business and specializes in the field of industrial organization. He holds a master’s degree in Industrial and Network Economics and a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Technical University of Berlin. His research interests are regulatory and neutrality issues in the ICT sector. This includes e.g. topics like neutrality obligations for online platforms, such as app stores or online video platforms, and experimental studies on the incentives for firms to exchange company data.
Title:You can find Oliver in:
Tuesday, 21 January 202008:30–09:45New Directions in Regulating Network Capacity and Online PlatformsSouth Pacific 4PTC20PROGYS_1_21


Award:PTC'20 Young Scholar