Program Participant

Name:Joshua Omoju
TitleCompany:Doctoral Candidate, Northumbria University, United Kingdom
Bio:Joshua O. Omoju is a doctoral candidate in Digital Innovation and Strategy at the Newcastle Business School, University of Northumbria, UK. His current research interests are at the intersection between mobile technologies and business model innovation; ICTs for development, and emerging markets. Joshua is particularly interested in the use of ICTs for Bottom-of-the-pyramid and underserved segments of society. Prior to starting his PhD in Northumbria, Joshua was a Research Associate at Lagos Business School, Pan-Atlantic University, Nigeria. He holds an MSc in Information Systems Management and Innovation from Warwick Business School, UK and a Bachelor’s in Information & Communications Technology from the Federal University of Technology Yola, Nigeria.
Title:You can find Joshua in:
Tuesday, 21 January 202015:30–16:45Empowerment Through ICTs: Inclusion, Innovation, and Access to ServicesSouth Pacific 4PTC20PROGYS_2_21
