Title:TeleGeography Workshop
Date:Monday, 18 January 2021
Location:Auditorium, Online Conference Platform
WEB_DESC:Organized by:   
TeleGeography will present their latest findings on trends for data centers, network pricing, international networks, and more.

Topics to be explored include:
Global Pricing Update: In telecom, there's one constant—prices always fall (even in the face of a global pandemic). But recent network investments, emerging market players, and new technologies affect prices differently across markets. We'll take a trip around the world to see how these factors have impacted international prices.

Rising to the Challenge: How has the data center ecosystem faced the challenges of 2020? We’ll look at how the sector has adapted to a difficult year, its response to the COVID epidemic, and the unrelenting drive to bring interconnection to the furthest reaches of the global market.

The Utopian Future of International Networks: After a tumultuous 2020, are things that bleak for international networks? This presentation will review what makes a utopia and consider if the international networks industry is headed in that direction. Will include bandwidth demand growth, submarine cable investment, and the potential for capacity exhaustion.
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TitleEtc:Senior Research Manager, TeleGeography, USA
TitleEtc:Senior Manager, TeleGeography, USA
TitleEtc:Research Director, TeleGeography, USA