Program Participant

Name:Prasanth Prahladan
TitleCompany:PhD Graduate Student, University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Bio:Prasanth Prahladan is currently pursuing his PhD in Computer Science on building safe and reliable information infrastructures at the University of Colorado Boulder. His research explores the use of formal methods to ensure the functional correctness of system architectures with a primary focus on the verification of 5G Control Plane protocols. Additionally, he has worked on the problem of dynamic resource allocation in data-centers and dynamic spectrum sharing. His research publications include works on the design of mergeable replicated data types (MRDT) and on applying AI/ML techniques to improve the performance of network systems like DOCSIS 4.1 networks and caching within data-centric networks. His research proposal titled "Future of the Autonomous Self" was selected as one of the top-100 ideas in the NSF 2026 Idea Challenge. As a science communicator, he has hosted two public talks at the Fiske Planetarium under the Science Under the Dome talk-series.
Title:You can find Prasanth in:
Tuesday, 17 January 202315:30–16:45Advancing Research: PTC’s 2023 Emerging ScholarsMPCC, South Pacific 2PTC23PROGRTS_EMERGING_2


Award:PTC'23 Emerging Scholar
The Spectrum Policy community continues to deal with a long standing problem of facilitating effective co-existence of numerous radio operators for diverse use-cases while transmitting and receiving signals over the electromagnetic spectrum. Historically, the regulator has relied on developing a socio-legal construction of “spectrum operating rights” to enforce coordination between concurrent operations with the goal of avoiding all instances of “harmful interference”. However, with the recent surge in the demand for radio-use licenses and the consequent risk of disruption in concurrent operation due to harmful interference, the regulator has been forced to search for alternative ways to facilitate spectrum sharing and efficient resource utilization. In this paper, we develop a “spectrum-as-concurrent-programming” metaphor to describe spectrum policy by adopting tools developed within the domain of programming language theory. We develop a methodology that focuses on defining a specification of the radio-frequency(RF) environment which provides the context within which the behavior of concurrent radio-operations may be constrained, to replace the de-facto practice of relying on a description of radio-equipment standards. Additionally, we introduce the rely-guarantee reasoning framework for automatically verifying the logical consistency of the set of operating rights issued by the regulator to the regulated entities.